11 Jul 2008

Wet Letters

This happened a while ago, when there was a mystery mini-flood in the offices downstairs. It's one of my favourite inanimate things to look at right now. I love the strong, hard-edged letterforms and their swirling, organic dissolution, I love the yellowy echoing after-image. I love the contrasts and the sentiment. I love 'MANY THANKS' in a smaller face, flush left. I love that the evidence of water is so redolent of water itself- that something which evaporates without trace can be so readily traced.

Yada yada yada. Whtvr.

Scan Glitch

I made these semi-accidentally by scanning photographs for Johnny Flynn's website, and moving them around slightly. It's a technique I'd like to experiment with more deliberately- I'd like to find out what motion and timing has what visual effect, and choose images or combinations of images I think would work.

I'd like to try scanning a graphic visualisation of a number series and apply motion, or vibration according the corresponding musical scale, or tempo. A way to look at numbers and chance.

Seems I'm using this blog now as a reminder for me to think about things at some undisclosed point in the future: it's a half-baked collection of half-thoughts, half-images, half-ideas. It's a half-blog. I think I'll redesign it with that in mind. At some point.

Often I Say Offen

Is this a poem? I have no idea. I don't even know what it means. We found it when Victoria was going through the box which used to be behind Harry but is now a cupboard and contains the same stuff in a better way except for this which I don't remember writing but must have written at some point.

I'm vaguely interested in the possibilities of applying typographic metaphor to verbal communication. I might think about it in more detail one day. I might not. Thank you?