6 May 2008

New Portfolio Site

Well. This is, I hope, the solution to an issue which has been bugging me a little. Not a lot, you understand, because I'm really not the type to care, but a little is enough to merit measured attention, I'm sure you agree. The problem was that I became uncomfortable using this blog as a portfolio, a place to show my current/recent work &c. I felt I would much rather use it as a visual journal, not a place clients and professional contacts might peruse to get a feeling for my services. I did receive certain threats, against which at the time I defended myself fiercely. Perhaps this fervent ferocity was down to a troubling inkling that my detractors were in fact correct: I had blurred my work/life boundaries to such an extent that I was able to engage in neither effectively, and had to take steps to regain control. This blog was in itself a demonstration of my descent into inhumanity, and made troubling reading for me- the odd snatch of a restrained though angry personality jammed between page after page of hark and trumpeting. Ugly as sin.

And so: http://www.joshuabradley.co.uk is once more a website, and once more it contains examples of my recent work. As with everything, it is still in Beta, and there are issues. Please let me know if you happen to have any suggestions, or if anything is broken or displays badly for you.

I worked with esteemed colleague Mr Lister (real name: "Jayfresh"), javascript extraordinaire, who is currently working with BT Osmosoft on a Thing called Tiddlywiki, an open-source JS framework for browser-edited web pages. It's really very powerful, and runs the content management for my new site. It's early days yet, but J's project, 'Tiddly Templating' strikes me as a compelling new possibility for flexible CMS creation. After my experiences with dishevelled giant Joomla (which actually makes me want to die), and Cold Fusion (ugh) this was a joy. I'm going to work with Jon on developing a non-programmer-orientated set of tools for using Tiddlywiki this way. Very exciting I'm sure you agree.

And wonderfully, this all means that I'll not be bothering you with any more irksome updates on my Absolutely Fantastic Career full of Pure Genius and Inordinate Grace. Unless I realise there nothing else to report. I will still dazzle you with beautiful shreds from the floor, but they will no longer be sullied by careerist wittering. I promise. To think. And explain interesting things to you. And communicate faithfully. And believe in consensually appropriate truth &c.


My father and I, in fertile conversation, produced the above image. I hope you enjoy it.


Simon said...

It's all true. With or without consent.

Michael C Lewin said...

my Absolutely Fantastic Career full of Pure Genius and Inordinate Grace™

Quote Unquote.