6 Dec 2008


YES! IT'S TRUE! Sallow & Wan is dead, long live Sallow & Wan et cetera. I'm now moving this blog to http://joshuabradley.co.uk/blog. Reset your Feeds! Bleed your daughters! Mewl with the best of them.

Why the hell am I doing this?

I'll tell you (though you neither need nor want to hear it)

Wordpress is a joyous thing, and it promises me much better features (RECENT COMMENTS! TWIT FEED! etc)

Because it took 3 hours

Because I hate that fucking search bar at the top of this blogger site and I really seriously cannot be fucked to work out how to fix it when I can just leave and its gone

Because wordpress imports all my posts and I don't have to do anything boring or lose everything

Because nearly all of my favourite blogs use wordpress.

Because Jonathan (real name: Jayfresh) uses the cut down paid version (wordpress.com) like an idiot when he's supposed to be somekinda like open source technology specialist (yeah)

Because I thought it would be more fun than it was

Because I just want you to be happy.

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