It's not that I don't like listening to music: On the contrary it's because of the music of the world that I object to these things. Why ignore the sounds of buses, birds, air-con systems, the muezzin, beggars, boot-grit, dog-wails, the chattering classes, clattering steel car carcasses, ear-grabs of film music or the passing ill-taste of some fancy driver? Because some pop singer's voice is so damn enthralling? Do they tell you like you are? Right back in your ear? Or do you enjoy regulating your mood with a certain soundtrack? Hawaiian Guitar for rainy foot-soaked bus-rides, thrumming dubstep for choosing non-GM milk and organic eggs down at waitrose? Does the sound of the world offend you so much? Or do you simply need to listen to music as you move around because otherwise you would fall behind, get dragged down in the rapids and drown unmentioned in yesterday's popular, today's mediocre? Is it your Job? To listen on tinny insects, intravenous drippings of unsexed scratchings? To deny the thump and thud, the displacement of the air in your gut as you pass the bass cab... A tear in my eye. I might retract if it turned out that everybody was listening to the frantic conspiratorial diatribes of Francis E Dec, or somesuch. Their need for indulgence and patience would be greater than mine.
It's not, though.
Oh well, each to his or her own alone.
no, your dad has the same problem. it's escapism (best described).
I thought that was what I was talking about?
I forgot my headphones today. All I could hear was babies and other peoples headphones.
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