At the end of which we'll all be wiser, wealthier, wittier, wearier, wistfuller, warier. I like making these line drawings, it is a most therapeutic process, but this quality ceases upon completion and review, except as a mnemonic for my memory of enjoying it. I hope this will suffice.
i am in love with, live for, long after, lust disgustingly towards, loath vicariously about, your lines!
Hi Joshua, your artwork and a comment from an artist inspired me to write an article, which is now published in a national daily newspaper. I'm re-posting the article in my portfolio blog and wondered if you would agree to me posting this artwork as well? Hope to hear from you. Thanks!
Hi Carren, that's great, of course. Thanks for letting me know- can you send me a link? And can you leave a backlink or something on the article?
Thanks so much for looking at my blog.
Sure :) I'll leave a back link to you, I have to give you credit for the artwork :)
It'll be posted in carrenjao.blogspot.com in a few days :) Thanks again!
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